
Monday 18 April 2011

Zip down to the Park

Zip down to the Park and try out the new Zip wire and climbing frame during the rest of the school holiday.
When you have had a go, please come back to this website and tell us what you think about the activity zone - fill in the play equipment survey (see the bar on the right).
Tell your friends about it too,
... get them to have a go,
... and complete the survey.

Saturday 9 April 2011

Please help us

If you see anyone vandalising the Park and damaging any of the facilities and features there please let us know. Use the phone the number (0121 454 7810) that is given on the notice by the Park Lodge in Gibbins Road, or call the police on 0845 113 5000. If the vandalism is extreme and in progress or if you are concerned for anyone's safety call 999.

Thank you.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Something to do at Easter

Why not take a stroll around Selly Oak Park and see how many interesting items of the new Nature, Art and History Trail you can spot. There are 17 - but can you find them all? Its an attractive oasis in a busy city - see the pictures in the gallery above.

Or you could try the new zip wire and climbing frame.

You could even fly your kite.