
Thursday 23 February 2012

What a difference a year makes!

 February 2011            February 2012

It may cost £500 to repair this damage!

Please if you see such acts of vandalism taking place phone 454 7810 immediately.

Friday 10 February 2012

Work has started

Despite the frosty and snowy weather work has started on the creation of new paths in the Park.  Additions are being made to the footpath network so that eventually there will be a circular walk right round the park.  Some of the old (1899) pathways which are little used now, and have fallen into disrepair, are to be filled in and grass seeded.



There will be other developments in the Park in the next few weeks - watch this space for further reports ......................

PS   Spring is on the way - honest! - the crocusses are pushing their way through the ground and just beginning to show their colour.