
Tuesday 24 July 2012

Have you noticed the New Features in the Park?

Look out for new notices being posted.


More about this board coming soon.

Take your bat and ball and have a go - while the sun is shining!

Friday 6 July 2012

Fair update

You may be wondering why the fair is still in Selly Oak Park. The simple answer is that they have got stuck in the mud. Or rather if they were to move their heavy rides they would tear the ground up too much. They have now got some of the heavier rides onto paths so can start moving off the park soon. But they will be with us for a few days yet.

The park is now wetter than I have ever seen it, even in winter, so wet that an unusual phenomenon has occurred: water zits. These are large bulges in the grass caused by water welling up under the turf.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Festival Thanks

Thank you to everyone who had any part to play in the Selly Oak Festival last Saturday (30th June).  The weather didn't dampen spirits, even if it did keep cars off the grass, and more people attended this than any modern day Festival in the Park.

We'll try and let you know how successful different stalls were in their fund raising activities when all the sums have been done; and we will post photographs to show those who didn't attend what they missed, and to whet the appetite for the next festival.

Yes, all being well, we will organise Festival 2013, and, if you want to, you can reserve your stall space now - just contact

Similarly, if anyone wants to offer entertainments, we will consider all offers - again just contact us through