
Friday 24 May 2013

Damage Explained. Oh dear! Deer back again.

Earlier in the year we showed a picture of damage to some of the trees in the park. 

At first we thought this was vandalism.  Then someone looked closely at the pattern of the damage and suggested that maybe Montjac (also called Monkjack) Deer were causing it.  There are many open spaces in Birmingham; and many of those are linked by a network of green corridors.  These corridors make it very easy for wild animals to roam through the city, and Montjac Deer have been seen in other parks and open spaces.

Montjac Deer (with permission from Sally Ilett, taken from Flickr)

Then someone noticed that the same sort of damage was caused higher up the trunks of some of the trees - too high for Montjacs which are not very tall.

This week the culprit has been spotted - damaging the trees.  It was a Fallow Deer (bigger than a Montjac) rubbing its antlers against the trees to rid itself of its felt (the furry covering on its antlers).  The deer do this at the end of winter or in the springtime, which is why we had first spotted the damage back in February.  This deer ran away, off towards the old canal and the cover there, off in the direction of Weoley Castle, before anyone could photograph it.

But the mystery is solved.

How interesting - 2013 with deer in the park again.  Back in medieval times the area of the park and the land all around it was a deer park.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Charity Walk in aid of St Mary's Hospice: 12th May

Weoley hill Village Council, in conjunction with Shenley Community Council, Bournville Village Council, Friends of Manor Farm Park, Bournville Sea Scouts and Bournville Village Trust are running a Charity Walk, to help raise funds for St. Mary's Hospice, on Sunday 12th May. It starts at 10 am and finishes at 3 pm and circumnavigates the Bournville Village Trust Estate. Anyone interested in joining the walk can start at Weoley Hill Village Hall or Bournville Green, for a small fee of £2-00 per person. They will be given a booklet with the route map in it and a place for it to be stamped at various check points on the route. Those completing the full circuit with all stamps on their booklet will be given a certificate.