
Tuesday 23 December 2014

Park Walks 2015

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!

Work off the excesses of the holiday with a walk in the Park.

Dean, the Ranger, has organised walks round the Park on:

Thursdays - 8th and 15th Jan; 5th Feb and 5th March.

Meet at the Scout Hut at 2 pm.


Saturday 8 November 2014

Carols in the Park, 13th Dec 2014

Join us at the 'Park keeper's Lodge' for traditional carols around an illuminated tree, followed by refreshments at the Scout Hut.

Sunday 3 August 2014

Allotments Available

Harborne Lane Allotments have plots available. The allotments are open for enquired on Sunday mornings.

Saturday 2 August 2014

Green Flag Awarded

Delighted to report that Selly Oak Park has retained its Green Flag status and is included in the Green Flag 2014-15 awards.
A big "Thank you" to everyone who contributed in any way - the City Council, Quadron, the Park-keeper, and all the Park visitors, young and old, who have helped to keep it clean and tidy.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

A Message from our Chairman

Dear Stall holders and Entertainers

Thank you very much for your contribution to Saturday’s Selly Oak Festival. We had a good turnout although lower than we had hoped due to the weather. The contribution of our stall holders is important for this community event so thanks very much for your efforts. Thanks especially to the University of Birmingham and Robert Wilkinson’s Fun Fair for their financial sponsorship and to The Pampered Pet Company, Where’s Mary, Fireworks Cheerleaders and Keresley K9s for the free entertainments. The festival really would be poorer without you.

Friday 27 June 2014

Festival day is here!

The festival will go ahead today - with a revised timetable if necessary (because of the weather).

See you all there.

Sunday 22 June 2014

Selly Oak Active Parks Launch at Selly Oak Festival

We are delighted to announce that the Active Parks scheme will launch in Selly Oak Park at our Festival on 28th June. As well as the official opening of our new exercise zone you can sample the following sports.

10am-4pm Informal sports: Soft Archery, Badminton, Boules, Table Tennis
12-4pm Outdoor Gym & Community Fitness taster sessions
12:30pm Tia Chi
1-2pm Yoga and Pilates
2-4pm Rounders

Other Attractions at this years Festival

10am-4pm Circus Skills Workshop
10am-12 Under 11 Football Tournament
11am Dog Show (registration from 10am)

Main arena Events
11am Folk Trio
11:30am and 2:30pm Falconry Display
12:30pm Keresley K9 Flyball Team
1pm Dog Behaviour Display
1:30pm Fireworks Cheerleading Squad
2pm Vintage Motorcycle Parade
2:30 Folk Trio

Friends of Sell Oak Park
Ariel Scout Group - BBQ
University of Birmingham School
Winterbourne Gardens Artist
Responding to Conflict
Macmillan Cancer Support
Warwickshire & Northhamptonshire Air Ambulance
Harborne Lane Allotments
Lapal Canal Trust
Saving Saints (St Bernard's Dogs)
City Church
Vinyard Church
Rey Valley Conservation Group
Selly Oak Labour Party
Ariel Motorbike Club

Sponsored by Robert Wilkinson &

Monday 5 May 2014

Exercise Zone

Pleased to see the exercise zone installed and getting good use this Bank Holiday weekend.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Support Selly Oak Festival

The Selly Oak Festival is set for 28th June.

Please help us to keep the festival free to attendees and help us keep it going for another year. You can make a pledge here

Thursday 24 April 2014

Selly Oak Festival - Saturday, 28 June 2014

The Selly Oak Festival
will be held in Selly Oak Park on

Saturday 28th June 2014
10.00 am - 3.00 pm

The following specialities have already been booked

Falconry Display
Martin the Juggler
Historical Ariel Motorcycles
A Dog Show
"Where's Mary" Folk Trio

** We hope to have the Festival Stage again **
So there will be an opportunity for budding artistes
to show their skills and entertain visitors at the Festival.
If you or your group are interested in performing
then why not contact us now to discuss this opportunity.

Similarly if you want a
to promote your social, leisure or business activities
then reserve your space now.

Put the date in your diary.
Don't miss a great fun day and a great opportunity.

Over 3,000 attended last year.
How many this year?

Monday 10 March 2014


Delighted to be hosting these two ART SOAK events

Saturday 15th March
The Circus Tree
Selly Oak Park, Gibbins Road,
11am – 4pm, FREE
CircusMASH will be taking over one of the beautiful trees in Selly Oak Park and transforming it into a circus of its very own. Come along and join in with lots of aerial and ground circus workshops that they will be offering!

And this is what it looked like on the day:


Sunday 16th March
Thissen Thatten
Behind Scout Hut, Selly Oak Park, Gibbins Road,
12noon – 3pm, FREE

Imagining a future where the people of Selly Oak and Dudley are once again connected, through the restoration of the Lapal Canal. Come and experience an installation containing a collection of curiosities from the Black Country.


Wednesday 26 February 2014

Mending Cyril the Squirrel

Three years ago (11 February 2011) some of the children of  St. Mary's School, Selly Oak, helped the Friends of Selly Oak Park create a willow sculpture in the Park.  The sculpture had the shape of a squirrel, with a network of tunnels which could be explored by young people crawling through his "eyes", his "paws" and his "tail".  The children named him Cyril.  Young folk loved him, and played very happily with him.

Sadly, after a little while, Cyril was damaged by some older folk, and we thought he was so poorly that he was beyond repair.

But we left him, and quietly over the last 12-18 months Cyril has grown many long new willows.

Happily on Tuesday, 25th February 2014, the same group of children from St. Mary's School were able to come to the Park and help mend Cyril.  Due to their hard work, weaving and shaping the new willow growth, Cyril is all smart and smiley - a happy Cyril the Squirrel once again.

Well done St. Mary's, and a big THANK YOU - Brilliant Job!