
Friday, 11 September 2015

2015 AGM

Our AGM is at 3pm on Sunday, 20th September 2015 in the Scout Hut. Look forward to seeing you there.
Here is the agenda:

1. Apologies
2. Minute of the 2014 AGM...
3. Matters Arising
4. Chairman's Annual Report
5. Treasurer's Report
6. Election of officers for 2015/16
7. Election of ordinary committee members for 2015/16
8. Lapal Canal
9. Any Other Business

Next Committee Meeting

Our next Committee meeting is at 2pm on Sunday, 20th September 2015 in the Scout Hut. Look forward to seeing you there.

Here is the agenda:
1. Apologies
2. Minute of the last Committee meeting (18 May 2015) ...
3. Matters arising
4. Festival 2015 – Review
5. Carols in the Park 2015?
6. AGM Preview
7. AOB
8. Date, time and place of meetings for 2015/2016

Thursday, 27 August 2015

A Date for your Diary

Our AGM will be held at 3 pm on Sunday, 20th September, 2015 in the Scout Hut in Gibbins Road.

All welcome.

Agenda to follow .................

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Green Flag 2015

We are pleased to announce that the park's Green Flag status has been confirmed for another year. Many thanks to BCC and Quadron for their efforts in keeping the park looking so nice.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Selly Oak Festival

Bumper number of stalls at Festival

We have around 30 stalls booked for the Selly Oak Festival this year.
11am - 3pm Sat 20th June.

Attractions include
Junior Football tournament (from 10am)
Live Music (11-11:30)
Fun Dog Show (registration from 10:30 starts 11:30)
Dog agility display (12:45-1:45)
Cheerleader Display (1:45-2:15)
Bournville School Brass Ensemble (2:15-2:40)
Live Music (2:40-3:00)

Throughout day.
Circus Skills
Donkey Rides

Note: The Selly Oak Festival is organised by the Friends of Selly Oak Park with the help of Ariel Scouts. Legitimate political parties, community groups, charities and companies are invited to have a stall at the festival for a fee and elected representatives are invited to take part in specific activities. However, no political party plays any part in organizing the festival.