
Wednesday 20 July 2016

Post Traveller Clear Up

Many thanks to staff at Birmingham City Council and park management staff from Quadron Services for the speedy clear up job in Selly Oak Park. They guys have endured 2 days of sweltering heat to return the park to something approaching normality. Please note that there is still a quantity of horse manure in the park this being a low priority item. Much of the bulky waste was fly tipping after garden clearances. More pictures can be found here: if you spot anything you recognise let the police know on 101!

Thanks also to Marian, Dave, Bob, Tom, Richard, Peter and Andrew who volunteered for our litter pick today. We recovered several bags of litter much of it left over from the main clear up operation.

Thanks to West Midlands Police for their attention during the occupation. Any incidents of anti-social behaviour should be reported to them on 101.

Concerned residents may like to know that the park gate is now securely locked again and that additional security is planned on the Gibbins Rd flank.

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