
Monday 20 November 2017

Carols in the park

Join us for traditional carol singing around a illuminated tree in Selly Oak Park. Followed by hot drinks and refreshments at the Scout Hut on Gibbins Rd.

This year we have:
200 more lights for the tree.
Free glow sticks.
Improved sound.

Monday 11 September 2017

Public Meeting & AGM

Public Meeting
3pm, Sunday 17th September 2017
Ariel Scout Hut, Gibbins Road

1.      Apologies for absence

2.      Minute of the 2016 meeting

3.      Chairman's Report
4.      Treasurer's Report
5.      Travellers & Security
6.      Park-keeper and Litter Picking
7.      Wild Flower Meadow and Grass-cutting
8.      Carols in the Park
9.      Festival 2018
10.   Elections for 2017/18

11.   Questions and Comments from the Community

Saturday 17 June 2017

Lost property from Selly Oak Festival

Found at the Selly Oak Festival

Single key with circular metal key fob.

Child's black rimmed glasses.

Contact info @

Saturday 27 May 2017

Selly Oak Festival 10th June 2017

Selly Oak Festival 2017
Sat 10th June

Selly Oak Park

Final Progamme
10am Junior Football
10:30 Dog show registration
11am Stalls open
11:30 Dog show
1:30 Fly ball display
2:00 Live Music
3pm Stalls close

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Selly Oak Festival 2017

Selly Oak Festival
10th June 2017

To book a stall download the form here and e-mail to festival @
Want to provide some entertainment? Use the same e-mail address.